
AgileBIM Agile meets IoT: AgileIoT. 

The number of connected systems, which collect data from the most diverse sources, is constantly increasing and is a crucial part of Industry 4.0. This growth pressures the development of new solutions that can integrate digital technologies with the physical world. Such solutions should be eco-friendly, using Cloud-based solutions for heavy information processing and, when needed, automate the generation of context answers. AgileIoT focuses on an end-to-end approach in developing related products, highlighting how is essential to gain master‑level skills of tools in use, to become aware of their complexity, as well as in management of related manufacturing aspects.

AgileBIM Agile meets Construction: AgileBIM. 

While it may seem difficult to imagine creating a civil or infrastructural structure in an iterative and incremental way,the arrival of Building Information Modeling is revolutionizing the construction industryin a disruptive way and the concept of multidisciplinary collaboration is at its basis.AgileBIM offers a rich reference toolkit that enables the implementation of an Agile working scenario focused on operationl transparency, improving resource usage and better communication.

AgileBIM Agile meets Engineering: AgileEngineering. 

System engineering traditionally follows a linear and sequential approach, inspired by the classic "V"model. However, accelerating markets and a growing demand for product innovation are changing the way engineers and companies choose to organize and execute their work. In particular, AgileEngineering supports the adoption of a continuous improvement approach, which enables companies to work more efficiently and reducing the time to market.  

AgileBIM Agile meets Artificial Intelligence: AgileAI.

Artificial Intelligence tools become more powerful every day and are progressively able to strategically support different business dynamics. There is therefore an opportunity to exploit huge amounts of data, and thanks to AgileAI  we can develop the capacity to improve operational workflows, optimizing costs and thus improving overall performance, and also to develop new innovative services which increase customer satisfaction.

MPM logo Modern Project Management: ModernPM.

The modern approach to Project Management requires going into the merits of things and properly evaluating which tool can best help us achieve our goals. To do this, we need to know the different approaches well (knowledge), have experience in using them (competence) and understand how they can help us in the specific context (pragmatism), experimenting and making mistakes with a view to continuously finding new options and solutions. Thanks to ModernPM it will be possible to face this complexity with an operational base based on a mix of governance and adaptability in an agile key.

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